佛山市顺德金纺集团有限公司始建于1984年,现已发展成为集织造、染整、服装、热电及纺织品进出口贸易、酒店服务等于一体的综合性纺织企业集团。公司先后通过ISO9001:2008质量管理体系及IS014001:2004环境管理体系认证,被广东省工商行政管理局评为“连续十二年重合同守信用企业”…… 本公司的质量方针是:品质为先、诚信为本! 金纺织造是金纺集团旗下的集面料研发、生产、贸易及营销服务于一体的现代企业。本企业主要生产配套设备:全自动高速试样机、长丝倍捻机、整经机、短纤上浆机、高速剑杆织机、高速大提花织机、喷水织机等。 本企业主导产品:时尚衬衫面料、色织休闲装面料、高品质职装面料、科技功能性面料。 产品遍布全国的工矿、行政、金融和酒店等领域。 紧跟时代步伐,不断保质求新,是金纺织造对己对客的一贯承诺和追求! 诚邀海内外客户莅临参观、咨询和指导实践!
Established in 1984,Foshan Shunde Goldtex Group Co.,ltd now have developed into a comphrehensive enterprise which combined the weaving, dying and finishing,garment, thermoelectricity,textile products import & export trade and hotel service. Having passed ISO9001:2008 Quality Managerment System Certificate and ISO14001:2004 Enviromental Managerment System Certificate,meanwhile has been praised as “The contract and trustworthy enterprise for 12 years” by the Guangdong Industry and Commerce Administration.
Goldtex Weaving Works is the moden deparment which mainly deals with the research & develop,produce,trade and sales service of woven fabrics.
Our equipped production facilities are : Full-automatic super-speed sample machine,Filament Double Twist Frames,Warping machine,Staple Starching marchine,High-speed Rapier Looms,High-speed Acquard Weave marchine,Water Jet Looms and so on advanced weaving marchins.
Our hot sale products series:Fashional Shirting Fabrics,Colored woven casual trousering Fabrics,Top quality Business Suit Fabrics,Scientific Funtional Fabrics.
Our quality orientation:Quality First,Intergrity First!
Keeping in touch with the modern age,quality guarantee and struggling for innovation,is the very promise and persue that Goldtex-weaving keep for the clients and themselves!
Welcome to visit,consult and guide!